Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Week 8: EDL 642 Assignment Storify


5 Ways Ed Pays. (2011). In www.collegeboard.com. Retrieved June 21, 2016, from http://youcango.collegeboard.org/sites/default/files/11b_4427_5waysedpays_eng_web_111107.pdf Calvin College openURL resolver

Earnings and Employment Rates by Educational Attainment. (n.d.). In Bureau of Labor Statistics. Retrieved from http://www.bls.gov/emp/ep_chart_001.htm


GIFY-THU, DEC 10 2015 21.16:06 You Should Go to College

Hamm, T. (2016, March 27). Why Should you Consider Trade School Instead of College. In The Simple Dollar. Retrieved June 21, 2016, from http://www.thesimpledollar.com/why-you-should-consider-trade-school-instead-of-college/

Pharoah, J., & Obama, M. (Actor). Pharoah, J., & Obama, M. (Narrator). (2015). Benefits of Going to College [Online video]. The Guardian.

Thomas, E. (Narrator). (2014). Don't Count the cost [Online video]. MotivationGrind. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVJJj9hshCM Calvin College openURL resolver

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Week 7 Assignment EDL 642: Evaluation and Assessment

Use in the Classroom

The items created for this weeks lesson are an extension of the previous lesson from last week. Each of the items were developed to assist the potential adult education student make relevant and important decisions about their future educational goals, base these educational on sound information, and learn to learn financial literacy to manage their student debt.

The video assessment "Financial Literacy for College Students" was specifically developed as a tool to encourage educational choices and financial decisions. This assessment can be used to discuss the use of financial aid (loans, grants, and scholarships) to pay for college. The video assessment can also be used as a tool to spark discussions about budgeting, credit reports, savings, FICA scores etc. to assist students in current and future financial health.

Financial Literacy discussion can reveal a multitude of information about a future college students family values and attitudes about money. These discussions can also lead to college planning.


I would introduce the video as a springboard for encouraging potential adult college students to think about what what type of career, college (type, debt etc.) and how they are planning to manage their home and college finances.


Students will watch/complete the Financial Literacy for college Students Assessment. Students will create a monthly budget.

The class would then participate in a discussion of Financial Literacy, Educational Goals, and how these entities complement each other.


Working with potential adult educational students is an interesting challenging! In my opinion, these lessons are great tools to utilize when you have a captive audience. I believe that the lessons that I have created can be very effective and useful. Each lesson is a building block to ensure success for the potential student.

The technology choices this week were much more user friendly and easy to manipulate. Embedding the items this week was also less of a challenge. What I have observed is that each week that I have been developing my skills with each lesson. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect!

Adult Education Interest Survey:

Please see the link to the survey below.

PollSnack | New Survey - Published poll details

Assignment My Educational Goals Lesson:

My Educational Goals Rubric:

Multimedia Assessment:

Saturday, February 13, 2016

EDL 642 Week 2 Assignment: Copyright

This weeks EDL 642 Lesson focused on copyright laws and the appropriate to cite copyrights for various online works.  This weeks assignment proved to be very interesting and a little challenging for me while working on creating the padlet assignment.  I chose to create my padlet with the Adult Education College student in mind which is the focus of my current career.  I also feel that Adult Education definitely is a part of my certificate program since I plan to work in higher education.

In my current career as an Educational Program Specialist, Sr. for the Educational Opportunity Center which is a TRiO Program. I work with adult students everyday.  I assist them with deciding career's, college program searches, financial aid and scholarship searches and completion, test-prep, and various other life skills needed to balance their educational and personal lives while they are preparing and enrolled in a college program.  It is a very rewarding field of work!  I get to experience people changing their lives and improving their families futures.

My career however, does not directly deal with copyright issues as much as an educator would.  However, when we put together presentations for our clients or any printed materials we may or may not use the appropriate copyright rules.  Personally, I have become more aware of copyright rules due to my previous capstone project completed at Central Michigan University's Global Campus in Atlanta, Georgia.  I actually had to request use of copyrighted materials from various individuals, government agencies, and corporations while completing my capstone project.  It was very interesting as some of the requests for materials used were answered.  Most of the responses for use were approved and others I never heard from which forced me to find other resources.  It also helps to know what type of copyright the materials have, because a few do not require permission, even though it is always a great idea to get permission from the source.

The focus of my padlet created for this week is helping Adult Education Students get what they need to be a successful college student.  The areas of focus for the padlet will expand over time and I will continue to add to it as needs arise.  For now I have included topics such as Time Management, financial literacy (money management), financial aid resources, technical college information, computer tutorials (GCFLearnFree.org,) and a free to low cost online educational resource called Coursera.  Also included in the padlet is a full Time Management lesson created by utilizing LiveBinder.  Within the LiveBinder you will find my purpose for the lesson and several objectives written using Blooms Taxonomy. When accessing the LiveBinder please enter the code 3668 and it will give you full access.

Padlet Objective:

Students will be able to evaluate the various resources in the Adult Education padlet (Time-Management, Money Management, Computer Tutorials, etc.) to create and prepare themselves for college entry.

I really hope you enjoy the padlet! I am really proud of my work.


Alesia Wakefield-Medley